Thursday, August 26, 2010


aq tengok ade kawan aq gune...
so aq maen install jew larh...
ingt an cam twitter,...
tp lagi function doe...
biase larh..
software MAC...
mane jew yang ta gempak an?
gempak..gempak jugak...
tapi melembab an laptop aq yang suda sememang nyew siput sedut nih...
bile larh nak tuka laptop??? situ pule...


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

biase kan diri?

saya dah kene biase kan diri nan situasi baru ini lagi awal dari awak...
ta payah larh nak selalu taceng nan saya...
sebab saya lagi selalu taceng dari awak...
ta perlu nak hebah bagi sume orang tau...
sebab saya ta der pon citer kat orang laen selaen diri saya...
jangan nak pikir perasaan sendiri jew...
perasaan orang lain pon kene jage juge...
thank you.

so....just shut up and pretend that its all never happens...

Friday, August 20, 2010


Mengikut pakar bahase dari Selayang,
Dato' D;

"alinn, ko baleq uma kang jgn lupe UPDOG yerrrr!"

Alinn, Datin A, Pacek A......???

"hahahahahah!!!!! updog.....hahahahahah!!!!"

Dato' D;
"Alarh...shortform tuh.... Update blog....
nak cepat an...jd larh updog....hmph!"

begitu lah definisi beliau...

Beliau memberi penjelasan sambil tersipu-sipu kerane malu..ahhahahahahah!!!!


selesai menjamah hidangan buke pose..hehe...
kenyang tol mereka...
licin tuh....
suke lihat mereke begini...
Gendang Gendut Tali Kecapi,
Kenyang Perot Senang Hati!

disebab an terlampau kenyang...
dato' D tidak dapat bergerak...
sahabat beliau...Pacek A...
terpakse mendukung dato' D...

SOOOOO SHUUUWWWEETTTT larh awak berdue...

-LoVE u aLL-


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Mae Gila-Gila Familia :P

hahaha...gile pelik tajuk entry..
tah ar,..tetibe jew aser nak bkak entry citer sal family terchenta aq...
tp ta taw cmner nk start n citer...
aq serah an je larh keje2 tuh pade gambar2...
so..paham2 sendiri la ape yg aq nk citer ni..hahaha

giler merepek..da tader ayat da lam otak nih..hahaha..

Start your engine.go...!

Ni emak shayer!
saye memanggil beliau nan gelaran 'Mak'...
macek2 pggil mak saye kak mai...
mai mana?
ta taw ar...
mai ar mana-mana...
hahaha..ape aq merepek ni???
Beliau ader larh mak yang terhebat di alam semesta ini..hahaha...
cayang mak saye!
me; Mak...nak MyVi SE....hehehe...
n mak aq jawab; ko blaja pandai2..keje elok2...beli sendiri..ok?
me; hurmm.....yolllaahhhh mak oi......

Ni abg sayer..hahaha.. Fendy name nyew...
umo 26thun..
tue dah...
bile nak kawen pon ta taw larh...
die sorang askar wataniah yang sengal...
suke berlagak...
tengok je larh gambar die nan Khairy Jamaludin tuh..
kunun aq jelez..hahaha.. (ade la sikit..)
hahaha..sengal nye aq...

saye penah dgr org cakap abg saye macam; Zed Zaidi, Duta So7, Nabil Mentor...
agy ta ingat....
artis rupenye abg aq nyh...

saye tinggi...die ketot...hahahaha!!!

woi bang...bile nak blanje aq ha? da puji ko nyh lam blog aq..ingat senang ke aq nak puji ko?

wif my brutal mom..tengok... mak saye...
ta dpt pegang senapang cam abg saye..
pisau pon jadi larh..
kan mak?

da..tu je larh bilangan family saye..
my mom,my bro n me...
small family only..hahaha...
thankx for reading....


alamak..luper ader agy adek beradek...
okie2...meh berkenalan....

sorry sayang..lupe jap kat U....

yang paling comel antare aq n abg aq..hahaha..
si gemoq nyh larh..
tido jew keje nye...
mane ta gemoq?
(cam aq..ngee....)
ader agy yg laen..tapi malas nk upload...
upload gmbr dye sorang pon jadi larh..
sorang yew??

thats all...



Monday, August 16, 2010

Untung Larh....

To Iera;

Untung la...ader org sayang...
untung larh ader org utk d smbut bezday...
untung la ade org mms gmbar sahur n buke pose...
untung la ramay org kejar ko...
rugi la org2 yg kejar ko sbb ko lari..hahaha...
untung la ko.............

To Ainaa;

untung larh ramay org syg...
untung larh ko ader gewmok...
rugi larh spe yg tunggu ko tp ta dpt2...
untung larh mak mertue sayang...
untung la mak mertue sarung an cincin...
untung larh ko.......

To Iera n Ainaa;

untung larh org yg kowg syg da berubah...
untung la dyeowg berubah ke arah yg baeq...
untung la ader org syg kowg agy...
untung larh kowg..............

BERSYUKUR LARH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, August 13, 2010


what a 'GREAT' news....
thanks my lovely friend coz doing this to me...
it was so shocking...
what have i ever done on u?
it was just one small simple mistake...
n the way u react towards it like it was such a BIG disaster...
thanks a lot...
i can't ever imagine that u could do this to me...
i react this way whenever u do the same on me...
what a pathetic me right?
thanks a lot my lovely friend...
i'm just so speechless right now...
i can't think straightly right now...
all i can say now is...
how could u....


Just smile....

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Seboq = Penyeboq?

ary ni kawan aq citer...
ex die sms die...
"If u need someone to talk with..i'm here for u taw awk ade prob? ok? jgn la ego sgt smpai nk bkn buang awk pon..k?"
maybe die bace blog kawan aq kot?
sbb tu la die tau yang kawan aq tu ade masalah...
masalahnye disini...
kawan aq tuh da buang die jauh2..
sebab itu ape yang ex die mintak...
"lau itu yang kau nak..itu yang kau dapat"
so...ko tak payah ar nak tunjuk yang KONON2 nye ko ni seorang yang teramat lah CARING terhadap kawan aq tuh...
da dasar manusie desperate...
tak payah nak nampak sangat lah yang kau tuh SEEKING FOR ATTENTION okayh?
kaw SANGAT menyibuk larh!


New & Old

Bile kite da ader yang BARU.....

Tak semesti nye kite akan lupe pade yang LAMA...

p/s; sayang agy aw W550i aq.... (T_T)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Sometimes things happen for reasons...
tak kan rase kaseh sayang Allah tanpe ujian dari-Nye...
Kawan Kapal Selamenye...
Ta de kapal ty kite sume tenggelam...
bile ta de kapal...camne nak selamat an antare satu same laen?
we all have our own color...
its represent our own self...
no body can change it...
but...we just have to make it compatible...
its not hard..neither easy...
we just need to try our best...
so,...friends are with ships...


...Kawan Kapal Selamanye...

100808 Sunway with Miss Ja ;)

100808..12:00pm..Sunway Lagoon

Ajaq, Amer, Kechik, Awyn, Miss Ja, En.Hafiz, Ajiq, Ena n ME! :P

TQ en.Hafiz sbb tlg ameq gmbar kami.. :)

Mereke sgt COMEL...

SGT BEST naeq kapal nyh!!!! I want MORE!!! :)

kami kanak-kanak riang! :)

Miss Ja suke tunjuk kaki dye...huhuhu...perenang pro ouh.. :)

G-Force..sgt teruje utk naeq..tyme nyh ta naeq sbb ta ckup bajet..

Last but not least..this is the reason why Miss Ja ajaq kteowg dtg sunway..
dye nak naeq Bungee Jump...
Best tgk tyme kami plaq! ;)

Sweet couple...

Thank You Miss Ja for the GREAT MOMENT!
We LOVE you!!!
Miss Ja sgt rawkkkk bebeh!!!

Looking forward for the next plans yea Miss Ja?


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

New Book

I need a New Book in my life

Let's back to ZERO

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Okie..wtv larh..hahaha..

hidup nyh...
ta leyh nk nilai owg dr luaran jew...
btol ta?
owg slalu ckp...first impression is important right?
hurmm....cmne nyh?
tang tu slah...
tang nyh slah...
sowey ar pade owg2 yg slame nyh aq
tersalah anggap...
tersangke buruk...
harap kowg maaf an la aq ea?
nobody's perfect...
especially me...
I'm sorry......

...I'm so so so sorry...

Monday, August 2, 2010

Thank you so much Miss Ja ;)

100802...ary nyh due date assignment Web Design...
kami..kelam kabot sbb ade mslah yg ta dsangke timbul..huhu...

pade pkul 4.20pm...bwu 50% ciap...due time pkul 5.30pm... la aty...smpat ke nyh?...shiai ar....
.............(mase berlalu....).........
pkul 5.15pm...AKHIRNYA!!!!! assignment siap...huahuahua!
tp...da pkul 5.15pm..omg!!!!.. aq twos naek moto ganja...nan Ainaa...
merempit ke next destination..iaitu...kedai print....
sampai je kt kdai tu..fuhyh..seb beq ta ramay owg...
aq n Ainaa twoz doq dpn pc n open file utk d print....
pc tu wat hal pla...bape kali tah dye hang..sumpah aq bengang...damn...
melambat an kteowg yg da sememang nya lambat!
ahhhhhh!!!! tolong la.....
after 10minutes......keje print cyap...

akak kt kdai print....nga bg last touch utk assgnment kteowg..huhu..tq akk...

Hasil kerje kteowng yg kelam kabut...
huhu...Miss Ja... Nyh je yg termampu....
but..lepas anta...Miss Ja okie jew...
Save 10% kteowng..hahaha...TQ Miss Ja!!! (^_^)

Taadaaaaa!!!!! nyh la moto yg telah byk berjase pd aq n Ainaa pd ary nyh....

Gamsahabnida Ganja@Jaja!!! ;D


MTV World Stage Live at Sunway Malaysia 100731

100731...telah berlangsung MTV World Stage at Sunway Lagoon Malaysia..hahaha...
Besh dpt gy coz sy dpt tiket awl..hahaha...
cyan kt sesape yg ta pt gy coz tiket da abez.. :P

pukul 6.00pm..kami sampai kt sunway...and it was raining...omg...n owg yg beratur..mmg x ar..ramay gylew..hahaha...(apsal aq glaq?)

okie...dpt bju ujan from staff mtv..sempat agy bergambar..haha...

nga beratur pnjg utk entry mtv..haha..picca2...

from left; Cik Daus, Cik Ajim, Bell n Ainaa.. :)
kepenatan...n abez basah sbb ujan...huhu...
bersame kengkawan yg sgt Happening...hahaha...kowg rawk bebeh... ;D
cak..cak..cak..hahaha...cyan Ejad...ta der lam gmbr.. :P

1st performer was disebab an beratur yg sgt pnjg...tyme kteowg da msuk kt mtv tu..Bunkface da perform last song da..hahaha....naseb..ta de jodoh...hahaha.. :P

2nd performer; Wonder Girls..i want nobody2 but u! haha..

3rd performer; Tokio Hotel...
OMG...Bill SUPER hensem pd mlm itu...hahaha..sygnye kaw gay..npe kaw gay hah?!
hahahaa.... :P

last performer; Katy Perry...
beliau amat menimbul an kemarahan owg ramay sbb sgt lmbt dye nyew show....
da kne boo byk kaly n stil ta perform..kamy sume sgt bengang..
but then..tetibe tirai dibuke..n beliau melompat kwar...sume owg menjerit...
sbb? beliau SGT COMEL! n set up stage pon TER-amat COMEL....
ptot la lembab....set up stage..gedabak cupcake..lollipop..etc... beliau mmg the best ar...
sgt comel..happening..n memcm2 agy ar..

sy syg Katy Perry..hahaha! Mwahxxx!! <3 b="b">

after Katy Perry's shows...kteowg twoz cabut..da ta larat sesgt..walaopon Wonder Girls ade wat extra performance mlm tu..adui..kaki sgt lenguh..ta sggup da..hahaha...
then kteowg gy melahap kt Asia Cafe...
mkn punye mkn...da knyg..chiow..
aleq umah...membute..
abez citer..hahahaah!!!



Sunday, August 1, 2010

To all of them...

Some of my friends were complaining about how their love one(not couple..but a real close person) leave them...forget about them..but..have they ever realize that they were actually doing them same things to others? hmmm...please larh..notice the change in yourself first before you talk on others.. :)
for me...i take it how much i love them...n thats is how much they gonna leave me...(do u understand the sentence??? hmmm..) they just didnt know about...they just notice it when others doing the same back to them..haish... (+_+)"'
Sometimes..i feel like i just want to be alone...leave me alone ok! well...but i know i couldnt be so selfish..they have their own life too...n they need move on..i dont want to move on...thats is my probs..not them..haish....
Sometimes..i just feel like want to go back to my own world.....where's there will be no body in and out...nobody would come n then leaves hurts u know...
Q; How could i move on in my life?
How could i show my feeling?
How should i express my feeling toward someone that i like n love?
and most of all...
How do i be honest to myself???

-Empty Inside Gurl-

Let's Click!