Friday, July 29, 2016

Alinn Anime Review : Ao Haru Ride


Title : Ao Haru Ride (Blue Spring Ride)
Number of Episodes : 12 
OVA : 2
Aired : July 2014
Genre : Comedy, Drama, Romance, School, Shoujo, Slice of Life
OP : CHiCO with HoneyWorks - Sekai wa Koi ni Ochiteiru 
ED : Fujifabric - Blue


*Tarik nafas dendalammmmmmm* fuhhhhh~~
Ini adalah antara anime yang main tarik tali dengan hati dan perasaan aku tau. Sebab serious cerita ni buat aku geram dengan Kou tu, Tapi aku nak Futaba dengan dia, tapi at the same time aku tak nak Futaba balik kat dia. ARGGHHHHHH! (-.-)"

Sebab dia? okie.. anime yang 12 episode ni aku percaya baru season 1. Sebab masa ending episode ke 12 tu baru separuh jalan cerita dari manga dia, and yes.. aku dah habis baca manga dia dulu. (sebab tu aku geram) hahahaha! Dan setakat ni aku suka sebab anime director tu memang ikot jalan cerita manga, takda ubah apa apa yang keterlaluan. ok ok.. let's talk about the anime.. haha

Cerita pasal seorang budak lelaki bernama Tanaka/Mabuchi Kou  dan seorang budak perempuan bernama Yoshioka Futaba. Diaorang ni sekolah menengah rendah (Middle School) tahun 1 bersama. Futaba suka Kou, dan Kou suka Futaba. hahahaa~ Then masa cuti musim panas, Kou ajak Futaba ni pergi festival musim panas bersama, dan dia suruh Futaba ni tunggu dia dekat taman berdekatan pukul 7 petang. okieeee~ Si Futaba ni tunggu dan tunggu dan tunggu sampai sejam lebih kotttt.. kau rasa?? (hahaha.. nampak tak aku dah geram?) ok laa.. Futaba ni redha dan positif fikir maybe Kou ni ada hal, then dia decide untuk tanya kat sekolah masa dah habis cuti nanti... nak dijadikan cerita, masuk je sekolah balik, si Kou ni tetiba pindah sekolah. Tak ada sesiapa pon tahu, dia pindah senyap senyap.. so termangu sepi seorang diri la si Futaba ni tanpa jawapan yang pasti.. haha.

Then selepas 3 tahun, dah masuk sekolah menengah atas (High School), tiba tiba jer Kou dan Futaba attend sekolah yang sama. Tapi, masa Futaba bagitahu Kou yang dia pernah suka kan Kou, Kou cakap semua tu dah lepas. Sekarang semua dah berubah, sekali lagi, Futaba redha dan positif fikirkan yes, memang mereka dah berubah selepas 3 tahun, cinta monyet sesenyap mereka tu dah lama habis. Tapi still Futaba simpan perasaan dekat Kou. Then ada jugak kawan baik Futaba ni suka dekat Kou. aishh.. nak bersaing rebut cinta la pulak kan? (bersaing secara baik hard feeling..) ok.. keklin rasa sampai situ dah cukup untuk season 1. nak tau apa jadi sila tengok sendiri. hewhew~

okie laaa.. keklin bagi spoiler dari manga sikit lah ye? Kou masih suka dekat Futaba and as we know, Futaba memang sentiasa suka dekat Kou. Then Kou ajak Futaba pergi summer festival tu lagi sekali lagi (yang ni ada dalam OVA 2), and guess what? again... Kou terpaksa mungkir janji sebab ada hal yang tak dapat nak dielakkan. Dan "hal yang tak dapat nak dielakkan" ni la yang sangat menyakitkan hati aku tau. erghhh.. Kou tinggal kan Futaba demi seorang perempuan yang konon nya Kou kena ada disamping dia sebab Kou je faham apa dia lalui. I was like.. what the heck man? @%%#&&$*#**

Then lepas tu bila Futaba da try to move on dari Kou, and cuba untuk terima lelaki lain. Si Kou ni datang balik nak berebut cinta Futaba. Kat sini aku dah stress gila dah hahahaha.. sebab kan aku dah cakap awal awal tadi.. half of me nak Futaba dengan Kou balik, then other half aku tak nak Futaba terima Kou balik sebab dengan segala apa yang Kou dah buat kat dia. Berbelah bahagi tau perasaan keklin ni. HISH! >_<"

okie.. sampai sini je kot aku boleh cerita, selebihnya korang try tengok sendiri or baca manga tu sampai habis. arghhh sakit kepala aku jap, stress... tekanan perasaan. HAHAHAHA!


My Rating : 6/10

Reason : Love was never fair. :(


Update : just in case sesiapa nak tengok live action movie of Blue Spring Ride ni :) 
click this link ya!

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Elevator to Another World - Paranormal Game From Japan

(Note : This sharing is only for our general info...kyaaaa~! some says it was from Japan, and some says it was from Korean...well I don't know, it's still creepy. hahaha)

Elevator to Another World is a creepy paranormal game from Japan. They say that if you perform this ritual in an elevator, you will be able to go to another world. However, you must be careful, because there is no guarantee you will be able to get back.

There is only one way to ascertain if the ritual had been successful or not. If you have arrived at another world, you will be the only person in it.
What happens from there on is unknown. 
To get back to your own world, you have to perform the ritual in reverse. However, there is no guarantee it will work.
Some Japanese people claim to have completed the ritual successfully. This is what they say the other world looks like:
It looks the same as the buildling that you are from, but all the lights are off and you can only see a red sky in the distance. There are no other living things there except yourself.
Also,some people say that getting back to the real world is harder for some reason. You apparently get disorientated and forget which elevator you came on, or somehow the elevator seems to get further away as u walk towards it.

Players: 1 Person (Only ONE)
Requirements: 1 building, at least 10 stories high, with an elevator. All three of these conditions must be met in order for the game to proceed.
Venturing Out:
  1. Enter your chosen building and get into the elevator on the first floor alone. Do not proceed if anyone else is in the elevator with you.
  2. Press the button for the fourth floor.
  3. When the elevator reaches the fourth floor, do not get out. Instead, remain in the elevator and press the button for the second floor.
  4. When you reach the second floor, remain in the elevator and press the button for the sixth floor.
  5. When you reach the sixth floor, remain in the elevator and press the button for the second floor.
  6. When you reach the second floor, remain in the elevator and press the button for the tenth floor.
  7. When you reach the tenth floor, remain in the elevator and press the button for the fifth floor.
  8. When you reach the fifth floor, a young woman may enter the elevator. Do not look at her; do not speak to her. She is not what she seems.
  9. Press the button for the first floor. If the elevator begins ascending to the tenth floor instead of descending to the first, you may proceed. If the elevator descends to the first floor, exit as soon as the doors open. Do not look back. Do not speak.
  10. If you reach the tenth floor, you may either choose to get off the elevator or to stay on it. If you choose to get off, and if the woman entered the elevator on the fifth floor, she will ask you, “Where are you going?” Do NOT answer her. Do NOT look at her.
  11. You will know whether you have arrived at the Otherworld by one indication, and one indication only: The only person present in it is you.

The Return Trip:
If you chose to stay on the elevator at the tenth floor:
  1. Press the button for the first floor. If it doesn’t work, keep pressing it until it finally does.
  2. When the elevator reaches the first floor, exit as soon as the doors open. Do not look back. Do not speak.
If you choose to exit the elevator at the tenth floor:
  1. You must use the same elevator to return as the one in which you arrived.
  2. When you enter the elevator, press the buttons in the same order you did in steps 2 through 8 of Venturing Out. You should finish at the fifth floor.
  3. When you reach the fifth floor, press the button for the first floor. The elevator will again begin to ascend to the tenth floor. Press any other floor’s button to cancel the ascension. You MUST press the button you use to cancel the ascension BEFORE you reach the tenth floor.
  4. After you reach the first floor, check your surroundings carefully. If anything seems off—even the smallest detail—do NOT exit the elevator. If you detect something wrong, repeat step 2 until your surroundings look as they should. Once you are confident you have returned to your own world, you may safely exit the elevator.
Additional Notes:
  • Should you reach the Otherworld, the floor onto which you will emerge will look almost identical to the one from your own world, save for two things: All the lights will be off, and the only thing you will be able to see from the windows is a red cross in the distance.
  • Some say that electronic devices—mobile phones, cameras, MP3 players, etc.—don’t work in the Otherworld; others say they do.
  • Getting back to your own world may be more difficult than it seems: You may become disoriented and forget which elevator in which you arrived; the elevator may seem to get further and further away from you as you walk towards; and so on. Be vigilant, and keep your wits about you.
  • If at any point during the ritual you faint, pass out, or otherwise lose consciousness, you will likely wake up in your own home. However, be sure to carefully examine your surroundings upon waking—the “home” to which you have been returned may not be the one you left when you first set out to attempt this ritual.
Concerning the Woman on the Fifth Floor:
Do NOT speak to her.
Do NOT look at her.
If you do, she may decide to keep you for her own.
Source : Instagram, theghostinmymachine wordpress

Friday, July 22, 2016

Alinn Anime Review : Another


Title : Another
Number of Episodes : 12
OVA : 1
Aired : January 2012
Genre : Horror, Mystery, School, Supernatural, Thriller
OP : ALI Project - Kyoumu Densen 
ED : Annabel - Anamnesis


Cerita ni start dengan sebuah kisah misteri/seram/sumpahan turun temurun since 1972, seorang pelajar dari sekolah Yomiyama Middle School, Kelas 3-3, bernama "Misaki" mati akibat kemalangan. Tapi rakan kelas dia cakap, no, "Misaki" was not dead and she's there with them. And strangely tak ada siapa pun yang nampak "Misaki" but they played along dan cikgu pun turut serta mengiyakan yang " Misaki" memang masih ada bersama mereka. Siap sedia kan sebuah meja khas untuk "Misaki".

And then datang seorang budak lelaki bernama Sakakibara  (present time - tahun 1998), a transferred student yang datang dari Tokyo. Dia terpaksa pindah balik ke kampung dan duduk bersama datuk dan nenek mak dia sebab bapak dia kerja di India dan dia sakit, tak ada siapa boleh jaga. Sakakibara terserempak dengan seorang budak perempuan misteri yang pakai uniform sekolah yang sama, masa ni dia dekat hospital, dia tanya siapa nama perempuan tu dan dia jawab "Misaki". hahahaha... jeng jeng jeng..

First impression bila tengok "Misaki" ni, I was like.. weyh.. dia ni hantu ke.. dia ni wujud ke? Kenapa Sakakibara seorang je yang nampak dia? Kenapa dia pergi ke bilik mayat masa Sakakibara first jumpa dia? Kenapa budak budak kelas dia cakap dia tu something yang "don't exist"?? haa.. seriously man.. mind game. Sebab setiap tahun dekat kelas 3-3, Yomiyama Middle School tu akan ada kematian, bermula dari bulan April dan sampai hujung tahun, setiap bulan akan ada kematian berkaitan dengan pelajar dari kelas tu, but why la kan? haa. yang ni part kita kena tengok teliti anime and solve the "why" part.

Dan untuk stop kan so called sumpahan kematian ni, ada cara dia.. dan mereka dah jumpa cara untuk hentikan sumpahan tu, tapi expect the unexpected.. hahaha.. sebab "hantu" or "the dead" yang sebenar ada dalam kelas mereka, bukan seperti yang kita jangkakan. Serious i was so shocked bila dapat tahu siapa si mati yang sebenar. Didn't saw that one coming tho~~ (T_T)

Well cerita ni as it says, horror genre anime. some of my friends cakap cerita ni agak ngeri/gruesome untuk mereka, and I can't disagree tho.. lagi lagi bila kematian bulan May datang.. Cara mati dia... erghhhhhhhh...... since then I never saw an umbrella as I used to. HAHAHAHAHA!!! (T__T)"

I reckon that sesiapa yang suka cerita yang misteri, ngeri, dan ala ala problem solver tu mesti akan suka cerita ni. I am really highly recomended it! ^^

Notes for myself : A kawan dengan B, A tahu siapa si mati dari awal, tapi tak dapat nak bagitahu sesiapa sebab memang tak akan sesiapa yang percaya. Then bila A dah tahu macam mana untuk henti sumpahan tu, A tak tahu macam mana nak bagitahu B pasal si mati tu. Now aku faham cerita ni. hahaha~


My Rating : 8/10 

Reason : I really like the story plot, and how we can't expect who was the real "the dead" until the end.


Fun Fact ~ 

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