Thursday, April 2, 2015

Sedar Diri

Assalamualaikum semua

Nothing much.. Hanya mahu membebel sendirian sebentar. 

Tumpang lalu 😊

Aku rasa setiap manusia ada impian dan angan-angan kan?

Well, be honest la kan.. Siapa tak pernah berangans. Lewls.. That was so fake man.. Try harder. Hahahaha..

Untuk merealisasikan sesebuah impian, kita perlu berusaha. Yerp.. Work you fat a** out ok? Hahaha.. Well.. What i really wanted to say was.. Oh man.. Aku sedar diri. Haha.. Aku tahu keupayaan diri aku dimana.. I know myself better than anyone else thought they were. Well, honestly i am a cheapskate. Hahaha.. But sometimes when you're truly need or wanted that something, indeed you'll work even harder to earn it, aren't you

So guys, work hard for what you want and work even harder to show people that you are capable of having it. Never cared too much on these people punya cakap cakap. Hahaha.. Kan? We do ukur baju dibadan sendiri.. We do know what we deserve and what we want.. We are so sedar diri aren't we? 

Oh man.. Swag more. Hahahaha..

Some little sweet note that I've heard from my officemate before 
"Never care on what people want you to do, what important is what YOU want to do. Because at the end of the day, the person who remember about it is only you, yourself."

So, be yourself. Do what you want. And just be sedar diri ok guys? Please kept your dream within yourself. Don't share it because people's word might hurt you more than they would know. 



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